Who should join:
Industrial developers in the bioenergy fields, Academic and industrial researchers, Transportation and aviation fuels producers and brokers, Bio-fuel end-users, Policymakers and business partners, EU/INEA projects’ members, Representatives from European Commission, EU’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Public authorities and others.
Objectives of the workshop:
– Identify technical “bottlenecks” and challenges in bio-liquids upgrading at different levels (from molecular to process level)
– Identify non-technical challenges
– Foster networking, knowledge exchange and future collaboration between workshop participants
– Promote the EU Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge “Secure, clean and efficient energy” projects
– Engage participants with the ABC-Salt Research Consortium
Agenda & Speakers:
14:00-14:10 – Introduction & ABC-Salt project presentation; Erik Heeres (University of Groningen/ABC-Salt Project Coordinator
14:10-14:30 – Presentation on EU Research and Innovation Policy in Bioenergy; Maria Georgiadou (European Comission – DG RTD)
14:30-15.30 Presentations by industrial stakeholders
15.45-17:00 Presentations by scientific stakeholders
17:00-17:30 – Q & A session / Closure